Save Our Heritage

Protecting the Birthplace of the American Revolution,

the cradle of the Environmental Movement,

and the Home of the American Literary Renaissance


What you can do to help

We need your help. Federal Express has just announced plans to start cargo service to and from the Hanscom Field airport. (For newspaper coverage, click here; for Massport press release, click here.) Incredibly, it has done this just a few weeks after the National Trust for Historic Preservation designated Minute Man National Historical Park and environs as one of America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places because of the threat of expanded airport activity.

This is the most serious threat yet to our historic sites from Hanscom expansion. If FedEx begins service out of the airport, there will be no way to prevent more cargo flights by them or their competitors. FedEx says it wants "only" one flight a day, but we know from bitter experience that one flight now means more later. (Shuttle America started with "only" four flights a day and was up to 17 a day in just over a year. They went bankrupt; FedEx won't.) Furthermore, unloading and reloading each flight would require 28 daily truck trips, using 18-wheelers or other big freight trucks, on the Battle Road -- the heart of Minute Man Park -- because that is the only public access road to the airport.

Local voices are not enough to stop a giant corporation like FedEx. We need YOU to speak out and express your outrage. These places belong to you and to all Americans. They are our collective heritage and should not be squandered and destroyed for the sake of corporate greed.

Specifically, we need you to join our boycott of FedEx, and we need you to urge our United States Senators and our Governor to tell FedEx not to come here. Below are sample letters addressed to each of them (please feel free to edit as you wish), which you can cut and paste into separate documents, and then print out and mail (or fax). Telephone numbers are also provided, in case you would rather make phone calls. Finally, please send a link to this page to anyone you think might be willing to join this effort.

Several years ago, the Disney corporation announced plans to build a Civil War theme park next to Manassas National Battlefield Park in Virginia. Local opponents of this travesty reached out to their friends around the country, as we are doing now. Disney was soon deluged with thousands of letters from all over America, which played a key role in persuading Disney to drop its plans. In the same way, acting together, we can persuade FedEx to help us honor and protect the birthplace of the American Revolution and the American environmental movement. We deeply appreciate your help.

The following letter can be mailed to FedEx president Frederick Smith at the address below, or faxed to him at 901-818-7570. You can also call FedEx at 901-369-3600 and ask to speak to Mr. Smith's assistant.

Frederick W. Smith Chairman, President and CEO

FedEx Corporation 

942 South Shady Grove Rd. 

Memphis, TN 38120

Dear Mr. Smith:

I am writing to tell you how disturbed I am by FedEx's plans to begin operations at the Hanscom Field airport in Bedford, Massachusetts. This airport is directly adjacent to Minute Man National Historical Park and only a short distance from Walden Woods and Pond, Orchard House, and hundreds of other irreplaceable historic treasures. These places are the common heritage of all Americans and should not be damaged for the sake of corporate convenience and profit. FedEx freight trucks on the Battle Road, and FedEx jets over sensitive sites like Walden and the Old North Bridge, will have a profoundly harmful impact. It is particularly inappropriate for FedEx to do this when the National Trust for Historic Preservation has just designated the area as one of America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places due to the threat of airport expansion.

I am confident that, after reconsidering the issue, FedEx will decide to honor and protect the birthplace of the American Revolution and the American environmental movement. However, until FedEx withdraws its plans for Hanscom, I will boycott FedEx and urge everyone I know or do business with to do the same.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

The following letter can be sent to Senator Kennedy, Senator Kerry, and Governor Romney. Their contact information is as follows:

Senator Edward M. Kennedy

317 Russell Senate Office Bldg

 Washington, DC 20510

 202-224-4543 (phone) 202-224-2417 (fax)


Senator John F. Kerry

304 Russell Senate Office Bldg.

Washington, DC 20510

 202-224-2742 (phone) 202-224-8525 (fax)


Governor Mitt Romney

State House, Room 360

Boston, MA 02133

617-725-4000 (phone) (ask for the Governor's assistant) 617-727-9725 (fax)

Dear ____________________:

I have just learned that FedEx plans to initiate operations at the Hanscom Field airport. As you know, Hanscom is directly adjacent to Minute Man National Historical Park and only a short distance from Walden Woods and Pond, Orchard House, and hundreds of other irreplaceable historic treasures. These places are the common heritage of all Americans and should not be damaged for the sake of corporate convenience and profit. FedEx freight trucks on the Battle Road, and FedEx jets over sensitive sites like Walden and the Old North Bridge, will have a profoundly harmful impact.

I am relying on you to take action to protect this area, recently designated as one of America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Please contact FedEx president Frederick W. Smith immediately and tell him that you do not want FedEx to set up operations next to Minute Man National Historical Park. Thank you very much for your attention to this important matter.

Sincerely, [Your name]


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